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ptfe compatibility chart

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Chemical Compatibility Database from Cole-Parmer

The information in this chart has been supplied to Cole-Parmer by other reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate chemical compatibility. Before permanent installation, test the equipment with the chemicals and under the specific conditions of your application.

Chemical Compatibility Database from Cole-Parmer …

The information in this chart has been supplied to Cole-Parmer by other reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate chemical compatibility. Before permanent installation, test the equipment with the chemicals and under the specific conditions of your application.

Chemical Resistance Chart | Plastics International

Chemical Resistance Chart; Legend. A = No Attack, possibly slight absorption. Negligible effect on mechanical properties. B = Slight attack by absorption. Some swelling and a small reduction in mechanical likely. C = Moderate attack of appreciable absorption. Material will have limited life. ... PTFE. Tecator™/Torlon® ...

PTFE and Teflon Chemical Compatibility Chart – shopfls

What Chemicals are Compatible with PTFE and Teflon®*? PTFE is the most versatile plastic in terms of chemical compatibility. Highly resistant to most acids, alcohols, detergents and solvents. Ideal for use with reactive and corrosive chemicals. The melting point of PTFE1 is 600°K (327°C / 620°F).

PTFE and Teflon Chemical Compatibility Chart – shopfls

What Chemicals are Compatible with PTFE and Teflon®*? PTFE is the most versatile plastic in terms of chemical compatibility. Highly resistant to most acids, alcohols, detergents and solvents. Ideal for use with reactive and corrosive chemicals. The melting point of PTFE1 is 600°K (327°C / 620°F).